HD2 ROM · 2012/06/02 3

[2.Jun.2012][MAGLDR/SD] NexusHD2-ICS-4.0.4-CM9-HWA-SD V2.2



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[15.May.2012][MAGLDR/SD] NexusHD2-ICS-4.0.4-CM9-HWA-SD V2.1

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[5.May.2012][MAGLDR/SD] NexusHD2-ICS-4.0.4-CM9-HWA-SD V2.0


下载地址:[download id=”219″]

http://diywm.com/2012/05/06/5-may-2012-nex…4-cm9-hwa-v2-0/ 这个帖子的SD版本,之前我也用过,给大家介绍过,可以看看下面的连接。http://diywm.com/2012/02/26/21-jan-2012-magldr-sd-nexushd2-ics-4-0-3-cm9-sd-v1-2/


This is a SD build of my NAND ROM NexusHD2-ICS-CM9-HWA.
It supports both MAGLDR and WM.
Please go to the NAND thread for more information.
If you have any problems when using this SD build, you can discuss them here.
Special thanks ankuch and securecrt for the SD version of initrd.gz.

Add-on: (from ankuch’s thread)

  • bcold.jar (fix FC in Backup to Gmail 0.4.4 maybe another applications);

Install: (from ankuch’s thread)

  • Extract content 7z to ics folder on root sd-card;
  • Configure MAGLDR to boot from /ics folder;
  • First boot about 3 minutes on class 10 sd card.
  • Read FAQ